
One-time Donations

Monthly Donations via PayPal

Click the Paypal donation button below to make your donation recur monthly. Use the standard donation form above for one-time donations.

People for Native Ecosystems is a 501-(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Your contribution is tax deductible.

For checks or money orders:
P.O. Box 4973, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502

Because we are an all-volunteer organization, every dollar received goes directly to helping the prairie dogs. Where your money goes:

  • A large percentage goes to supplemental feeding. Because of urban sprawl, the Gunnison’s prairie dogs in landlocked colonies can no longer get sufficient food from grazing. Therefore it is necessary for our volunteers to purchase the veggies and seeds needed to keep the prairie dogs nourished. A few grocery stores contribute their compost, but donations are not sufficient. PNE subsidizes the purchase of grain and hay—the most expensive items—through an account at a local feed store. As much as possible, we reimburse the supplemental feeders who need help purchasing produce. Many volunteers donate their purchases to us, but our goal is to provide reimbursement for everyone.
  • We maintain a fund for relocation, which usually happens once or twice a year, although the need can be unpredictable.
  • Maintaining this web page and our Facebook page allows people both in our community and around the world to learn about what we are doing and contribute to our cause.

By helping Gunnison’s prairie dogs survive in Santa Fe, we are helping the entire ecosystem and contributing to the health of our planet.